Annalisa Barbieri’s chocolate review - Observer magazine 1/8/2021
This all started when 2 very nice guests and their dog visited my Landlady’s holiday cottage, ‘The Cart Shed’ * and we got talking...
Annalisa Barbieri’s chocolate review - Observer magazine 1/8/2021
A catchy title
A change of website - exciting news
About foods and life energy
Stepping through: From France to England. Cut the short story long.
Paques arrive! (avec un accent circonflexe sur le A)
Single estate single origin grand-cru etc
Cc’s Fruit and Nut Millions Easter eggs
“What are all those Soundcloud gimmicks all over the place?”
“Home” or a bit of history.
Why, oh Why, has your “more more more!” page logo a goose and a chicken on it?
News and histoires!